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Python for Kids

Online coding course for kids to get started with Python programming

Python for Kids

Online 1:1 Python programming classes for kids with expert Computer Science teachers

7 Modules, 44 Lessons, 100+ Activities & Projects, 44 Quizzes

4.8 / 5 stars | Read reviews | 10,000+ students

This course includes:


44 live private 1-on-1 sessions of 45 mins each


Learn live with expert Computer Science teacher


7 detailed modules


100+ activities & projects

certificate accredited certificate


Python developer certificate


Lifetime access to course content


Unlimited 1:1 live doubt sessions with instructors


Live 1:1 class with Coding Instructor


Receive monthly progress reports

What is Python for Kids and Teens?

Python is a text-based programming language suitable for kids to learn. It is one of the most popular programming languages. Python is used to develop apps and software. For example, YouTube and Instagram are built using Python.

Python is used for web development, game development, building apps, machine learning, and more. Python Classes For Kids and Teens will quickly introduce them to principles of coding concepts and boost their analytical skills

Python programming teaches kidsand teens concepts of variables, keywords, operators, loops, if-else statements, conditional statements, functions, recursion, exception handling, list, dictionary, data structures, object-oriented programming, and more. In this course, students will also learn to build a game and GUI from scratch using Python.

Python programming will help kids and teens to get a grip on the basics of programming. Then, as kids explore what Python coding offers, they can learn various coding skills, from problem-solving to analytical thinking, that will grow with them on their coding journey beyond Python. It breaks coding into more easily grasped chunks so children can build their understanding while actively building actual code. It also helps the kids and teens to solve real-world problems using data structures and object-oriented programming in Python.

What Kids and teens will learn with Python

7 Modules, 44 Lessons, 100+ Activities & Projects, 44 Quizzes

Module 1

Python Basics

Get introduced to Python, including data types, operators, and conditional statements, and write basic codes in Python.

Lesson 1: Welcome to Python programming

Learn about computer programs, different programming languages, introduction to Python, the history of Python, algorithms, flowcharts, and platform.

Lesson 2: Getting started with programming

Introduction to print statements, identifiers, keywords, and variables in Python.

Lesson 3: Data types in Python

Learn about data types, typecasting, user input, and string operations.

Lesson 4: Python operators I

Learn about Python operators and the application of various basic operators in Python.

Lesson 5: Conditional statements

Learn about decision-making statements in Python programs. Also, learn to use the if-else statement.

Lesson 6: Python operators II

Learn about conditional statements if, elif, else, and the logical operators used in Python programming.

Lesson 7: Python operators III

Learn about identity operators, membership operators, and bitwise operators and the application of these operators in Python programming.

Lesson 8: Python challenge

Learn to write programs using all the concepts learned in the module.

Module 2

Loops in Python

Learn about conditional statements, understand essential programming concepts, i.e., loops and nested conditional statements, and use Python library Turtle for creating graphics.

Lesson 1: Nested conditional statements

Learn about nested conditional statements, the basics of conditional statements, and work on nested conditional statements in Python programming.

Lesson 2: Loops

Learn about programming loops and their types, the use of loops in programs, and how to work with them to solve various problems.

Lesson 3: While loop

Get introduced to the while loop, how and when to use them in your Python program.

Lesson 4: Nested loop

Learn about nested loops, how to use nested loops, and the syntax of the nested loops in the Python program.

Lesson 5: Patterns

Get introduced to nested loop’s application and how to make exciting patterns through nested loops in Python programming.

Lesson 6: Introduction to turtle

Learn about Turtle library in Python to create graphics and learn some essential functions used in the Turtle library.

Module 3

Python Functions and Modules

Learn about the concept of functions in Python and exceptions in programming.

Lesson 1: Function

Get well equipped with knowledge of the basics of functions in Python.

Lesson 2: Arguments

Get introduced to arguments in Python functions, types of arguments, recursion, and docstring here.

Lesson 3: Keywords

Learn about a few essential keywords like return, continue, break, and pass in a Python program.

Lesson 4: Exception Handling

Learn about exception handling, various error handling techniques, and essential exceptions in Python.

Lesson 5: Random and math module

Learn about the Random and math module, know about predefined and essential methods in your Python program that these libraries provide.

Lesson 6: Date, time, and calendar

Learn about the Python program's date, time, and calendar module.

Module 4

Data Structures in Python

Learn about the concept of data structures, requirements, and the details of Python's most commonly used data structures. In this module, you will also learn how to debug the code.

Lesson 1: Getting started with Lists

Get introduced to data structures, create a list, and perform operations on a list.

Lesson 2: It's a tuple!

Learn about tuple and perform operations on a tuple.

Lesson 3: All about Dictionary

Get introduced to Python data structure - Dictionaries and perform various operations and iterations on the dictionary in Python.

Lesson 4: Sets and Arrays

Learn about sets and arrays used in Python and perform different operations on sets and arrays.

Lesson 5: Advanced Python functions

Learn advanced functions used in Python programming like - map, zip, and exit, also the concepts of list comprehension and dictionary comprehension.

Lesson 6: Create games

Create games like Tic Tac Toe and Number Guessing Game using all the previously learned concepts.

Module 5

Object Oriented Programming

Learn about Object Oriented Programming concepts and how to implement them in Python to optimize the code and make it reusable.

Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming

Get introduced to basic object-oriented programming concepts in Python, like - objects, classes, and attributes.

Lesson 2: More on Object-Oriented Programming

Learn about essential concepts of Object-Oriented Programming to understand how classes work.

Lesson 3: Inheritance

Get introduced to inheritance in Python and implement inheritance in Python to make the code reusable.

Lesson 4: Encapsulation and Special functions

Learn about encapsulation that helps you restrict access to variables and methods.

Lesson 5: Abstraction and Polymorphism

Get knowledge about abstraction and polymorphism to showcase only the essential aspects and hide the inner workings/implementation.

Lesson 6: Challenges in Object-Oriented Programming

Learn about operator overloading and practice previously learned concepts of Object-Oriented Programming in Python.

Module 6

Game Building with Pygame

Learn about all the necessary components for creating a video game step by step using the Pygame module of Python.

Lesson 1: Let’s begin with Pygame

Learn about basic concepts of the game building using Pygame and create video games through the Pygame library.

Lesson 2: Basic game building concepts

Create polygons using the functions of Pygame and use key detection in the game.

Lesson 3: Let's Add Sprites

Learn to add sprites to the Pygame Screen and control them in the game.

Lesson 4: Let's Level Up The Game

Learn to make a game interactive with different effects like catchy background, collisions, and sound to your game.

Lesson 5: Space Invader Project - Part 1

Build the capstone project of a space invader game to implement all the learnings of Pygame.

Lesson 6: Space Invader Project - Part 2

Build the capstone project of a space invader game to implement all the learnings of Pygame.

Module 7

GUI using Python Tkinter

Get introduced to the Python library Tkinter to create GUI applications that perform the required task without showing the backend code like an application. At the end of this module, you will develop an application.

Lesson 1: Widgets for starters!

Learn about the basics of the Python library Tkinter and the different widget options available.

Lesson 2: Tkinter geometry managers

Learn how to use various geometry managers to organize better and control your GUI application layout using Python Tkinter.

Lesson 3: Where’s the event?

Learn about events, use event handlers in Tkinter, and increase an application's interactivity by using a message box.

Lesson 4: Build a text editor

Create a text editor application using the Python Tkinter library, and learn to open and save the files using Tkinter in Python.

Lesson 5: Denomination calculator

Learn to use Top Level in the Tkinter library to add multiple windows to the application.

Lesson 6: Restaurant Management System

Create a Restaurant Management System application using all the concepts from the Tkinter library of Python.

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Coding languages
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The best place for kids and teens to learn Python

Learn basics of programming, code interactive apps and games with this intensive online Python for Kids course.

Skills you’ll gain

Learn the foundation of Computer Science using Python programming

Become an expert in Python programming

Learn to solve problems by creating app, games, websites

Develop creative thinking to solve the problems

Improve analytical thinking while creating your projects on Python

Create engaging games, animation & apps with Python programming

With Codingal Prime, your child gets private tutoring from best instructors

Experience exclusive 1:1 online private tutoring

Handpicked top coding instructor as per your choice

Flexible number of weekly classes for your child

Unlimited doubt sessions, available 24x7. Absolutely free!

Personalized attention from instructor in each class

Flexibility to choose class timings & reschedule

Dedicated support team to resolve queries 24x7

Lifetime access to all class recordings accredited certificate for the course

Complete projects & Quizzes after every class

Receive monthly progress reports & attend PTMs

Flexible payment options available

Tailored curriculum for your child's interest & pace

Get assured 100% moneyback guarantee

Give an early advantage to your child with Codingal Prime - the premium learning program

Gamified Learning dashboard with projects & quizzes

90+ Fun activities for kids to learn Python programming

Space Invader game

Space Invader game

Learn to create an exciting video game that can help the player shoot the space invaders and gain points using the Python library Pygame.

Diamond Pattern

Diamond Pattern

Learn how to create a diamond shaped pattern using nested loops in Python.

Denomination Calculator

Denomination Calculator

Create a multi window GUI application that can help the user to calculate the total number of denominations of 2000, 500 and 100 for amount entered, by using the Python library Tkinter.

Restaurant Management System

Restaurant Management System

Create a Restaurant Management System to bill and track orders using the Python library Tkinter.

Text Editor

Text Editor

Build text editor to save and open your files using the Python library Tkinter.



Create exciting games you played in your childhood using the Pygame library in Python.

Our students created some amazing Python projects

Triple number swap

Python Project

Grade 9

Triple number swap

Krishna Ajay Jeswani

Mirrored Triangle

Python Project

Grade 7

Mirrored Triangle

Danish Piroozmand

Random Password challenge

Python Project

Grade 9

Random Password challenge

Reyan Gupta

Rock paper scissor

Python Project

Grade 10

Rock paper scissor

Piyush Kushwaha

Jumpy connections

Python Project

Grade 9

Jumpy connections

Yashneil Tripathi

Age calculator

Python Project

Grade 8

Age calculator

Rajan Yadav

Python for Kids is accredited by

Stem accreditation logo Educational Research is the longest continually operating STEM education research and credentialing organization that has served over 4,500 schools, districts, and organizations in over 25 countries. Accreditation has been awarded to Codingal by Educational Research after thoroughly examining and evaluating the educational institution’s curriculum, teachers, and courses for efficiency, effectiveness, and quality.

Codingal’s Python for Kids and Teens course is loved by students and trusted by parents

Lily Zane
Lily ZaneGrade 9, Codingal Student

Codingal has helped me learn Python by making the learning process fun and interactive. Colorful syntax and indentation make writing code enjoyable.

IshanGrade 7, Codingal Student

My teacher gives very clear instruction. With Python programming course by Codingal, I can create my own games.

MaxwellGrade 6, Codingal Student

Codingal has helped me transition from block based programming to text based programming through their Python programming course.

Juke Williams
Juke WilliamsCodingal Parent

Codingal's Python programming course made it easier for my child to learn to build his favorite games.

JuliaGrade 10, Codingal Student

The Python course at Codingal help me in scripting and creating data sets. The Python libraries make it easy to share code projects.

Andrea Agnes
Andrea AgnesCodingal Parent

Codingal's personalized journey has really helped my child learn Python at her own pace and understanding.

Assess your Python knowledge with fun quizzes

Fundamentals of Python Programming

Q: 10

Fundamentals of Python Programming


Grade: 6-12
Beginner level
Play now
Loops in Python

Q: 10

Loops in Python


Grade: 6-12
Intermediate level
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Advanced Python Programming

Q: 10

Advanced Python Programming


Grade: 6-12
Expert level
Play now

Python for Kids masterclasses

Create a healthcare application using Python

Create a healthcare application using Python

BMI calculator using Python

BMI calculator using Python

Refresh your knowledge about Python for Kids and Teens with these informative concept-based videos

Types of coding: Block-based and text-based coding

Types of coding: Block-based and text-based coding

Coding for Kids: An Introduction

Coding for Kids: An Introduction

Top 8 programming languages for kids

Top 8 programming languages for kids

Resources related to Python for Kids

Python for Kids: The Ultimate Guide to Learn Python

Python is one of the popular and versatile programming languages. It is beginner friendly and therefore the best programming language to start with. It is considered to be one of the most used languages in the world.

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Strings in Python

Python string is a data type in which the programming language stores any data in a computer. Python string is an array of bytes. A string is a sequence of characters. It is among the most popular data types in Python.

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Loops in Python

Loops are a formidable abstraction in Python. Iterative looping, which loops employ, helps us eliminate repetitive code. This is incredibly useful when you want to repeat a function numerous times.

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Top 5 reasons why Python programming for kids is perfect for your child

Python is quick to learn even for kids or school students. Python programming is easy to read, write and learn. Tap on read more to know more about other reasons why Python programming for kids is perfect for your child.

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Dictionaries in Python

Dictionary in Python is a collection of key values used to store data like a map, unlike other data types, which hold only a single value as an element.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Python games for kids?

Kids can learn how to code in Python by creating multiple interactive and fun games. Some popular Python games for kids include Ping pong, Rock paper scissors, Snake game, Tic-Tac-Toe, etc. Python games help kids learn Python and explore new libraries of Python.

What are Loops in Python?

A loop statement in Python programming allows you to run a statement or group of statements multiple times. For example, the ATM software is in a loop to process transaction after transaction until you acknowledge that you have no more to do. Sometimes, we are required to execute a code several times. So there, we use the concept of loops.

What are Python functions?

A function is a block of codes of related statements that performs a specific task. Functions help break our program into small blocks of code. As the program grows larger and larger, functions make it more organized and manageable. Suppose repeated code occurs in a program. The function can include those codes and execute them when needed by calling that function. Programmers working on large projects can divide the workload by making different functions.

What is Exception Handling in Python?

An exception can be defined as an unusual condition in a program resulting in an interruption in the flow of the program. Whenever an exception occurs, the program stops the execution, and thus the other code is not executed. An exception is an object that represents the error. Python provides a way to handle the exception so that c can execute the code without any interruption.

What are Python Data Structures?

Data Structures help you in storing the collection of data, managing it, and performing operations on them. Data Structures help you to make modifications easier on collections of data. In Python, we have four Data Structures- List, Dictionary, Tuple, and Set.

What is Object Oriented Programming in Python?

Object-Oriented Programming revolves around Classes and Objects and aims to increase the reusability of code. Object-oriented programming concepts create simpler code to understand, have higher readability, and are reusable. So, what exactly are these Classes and Objects? Consider Fruit as a class, Apple and Orange as Objects for better understanding. So, apples and oranges are real-world entities with some attributes and behavior. The primary idea behind OOPs is to combine data and the functions that operate with it into a single unit such that no other parts of the code may access it.

What is Python Dictionary?

Python dictionary is a collection of items used to store data values. Each item in the dictionary has a key/value pair. Value of the key-value pair can be a number, a string, a list, a tuple, or even another dictionary. Python dictionary is defined by placing a sequence of items within curly braces. Python dictionary allows us to write effective codes.

How can I download & install Python?

You can download and install Python from Python software foundation website -

Why should kids learn Python programming?

Python is the perfect coding language to get kids started off with. Python programming for kids helps improve and develop multiple facets of their educational syllabus including maths, writing, and creativity. It will help them develop a more concise and structured approach to storytelling with the English language. It will also aid them with problem solving too.Python leads them to developing simple and efficient solutions using critical thinking.Needless to say, Python developers are in high demand.

Is Python kid-friendly?

Yes, Python programming is kid-friendly. It is a programming language that is particularly good for kids wanting to learn how to code. Python is great for kids, especially as a first language. Kids new to python programming can go right from the very first simple “Hello world” programs to creating games in the future.

How can I be sure that Python programming is the right program for my kid?

Python’s syntax is concise and easily readable by humans. It mirrors the human language far better than any other programming language which makes it an ideal language for beginners. Writing code in Python is similar to writing commands in plain English. As beginners, kids will quickly pick up the basics and learn how to use this language for game development and animation.

Why should kids learn to code?

Coding for kids helps improve their logical thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, creativity, mathematics and writing skills and also gives them valuable skills in life and at the workplace. Coding provides a competitive advantage when applying for colleges, internships, and jobs. In addition, basic programming knowledge can change how kids interact daily with the technologies they use. It’s a basic literacy–one we can’t afford to overlook.

My child is a beginner, is previous coding experience required?

Our coding courses for kids have been developed so that a complete beginner can follow along without any trouble. With technology increasingly prevalent across so many industries, even basic coding knowledge can help kids regardless of the career they ultimately decide to pursue.

Codingal is backed by esteemed investors

Codingal has secured substantial backing from renowned investment firms and a host of prominent angel investors

Hiro Mizushima

Investor, Actor

Peter Weck

Co-Founder, Simply Hired

Nate Lipscomb

Product Counsel, Youtube

Jonathan Hendriksen

Founder, Shuttlerock

Built by alumni of

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IIT Roorkee

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Python for kids with the best Computer Science teachers

Python for kids with the best Computer Science teachers